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Why St Andrews?

At St Andrew’s, our students aim high. We encourage ambition, firmly rooted in an understanding of community and the good of others. Above all, we want our students to learn how to enjoy life and to make the most of their undoubted potential.

Our teachers are passionate in their work with the children and encourage them to become lifelong learners and we have a fantastic College community who support St Andrew’s in so many ways.

  • An outstanding record of Academic success
  • High profile Music department
  • Outstanding sporting facilities with specialised coaches
  • Extensive curriculum and co-curricular activities
  • Devoted supportive learning environment
  • Strong Vocational Education and Training (VET) department
  • School based traineeships offered
  • Four languages are offered at St Andrew’s College: Chinese (Mandarin), French, Italian and Japanese
  • Learning Support Department

How many classes do you have in each year level?

St Andrew's is a 4 stream primary school and 6 stream secondary school. This equates to 4 classes of each year level from Prep to Year 6 and 6 classes of each year level from Year 7 through to Year 12.

What are your intake Years Levels and is there a cut off time to submit Enrolment Applications?

We are a Prep to Year 12 College. Our main intakes each year are Prep and Year 7. We do however, accept enrolment applications for all year levels at any time and will offer positions to successful applicants, dependant on availability.

What does it mean if my child is placed on a Waitlist?

Demand for enrolment positions can exceed available places and children may be waitlisted following a successful interview. When offering positions from the waitlist, the College will give consideration in enrolment priorities in line with the College Enrolment Policy.

How do I enrol my Son or daughter?

Lodge completed Enrolment Application documents. Please ensure all supporting documents as requested on the Checklist are included with the application. An incomplete application may not be accepted. The College will subsequently contact you to arrange a suitable time for interview.

Do I have to complete a separate Enrolment Application for each child?

Yes, an individual application must be submitted for each child. The application fee is applicable for the first 2 children in the family. There is no additional fee when submitting application for the third or subsequent children.

2025 Term Dates


Term 1 29 Jan - 4 Apr 10
Term 2 22 Apr - 27 Jun 10
Term 3 14 Jul - 19 Sep 10
Term 4 7 Oct - 4 Dec 9