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1:1 Laptop Program

St Andrews Catholic College runs a very successful 1:1 Laptop Program for all students in Years 7 to 12.

St Andrews Catholic College runs a very successful 1:1 Laptop Program for all students in Years 7 to 12.

Parents do not need to worry about the stress of finding a laptop and software for their student.  Early in term 1, Year 7 and 10 students will receive a touch screen 2 in 1 device from the College for their learning.  It has onsite service backup that has been optimised to work on our network. This laptop has the best configuration for learning at the College.   The fact that all students in the grade receive the same device makes the teaching and learning process more efficient for everyone.

Since its inception, the 1:1 Device Program has been continually evaluated and adjusted to ensure that the technology used in the classroom suits the learning needs of each student and provides a uniform platform which the College can support and continue to develop. 

1:1 computing devices offer students more personalized access to technology both at school and at home while also allowing the machines to be tailored to the specific learning needs of students.  The laptops are loaded with all the licensed software our students require for curriculum purposes.  Students also have access to this software  while logged in from home, promoting anywhere, anytime learning and allowing curriculum to be delivered in both standard and flexible learning environment. If new or updated software is required, it is pushed out by the College to the students’ machines.

In preparation for each year, the College carefully evaluates the technology being utilised. Our IT Department source the most appropriate devices to suit the needs of our students (in relation to the curriculum and our IT infrastructure) and at a cost which is reasonable for our parents / carers.

The cost of the laptop and other technology costs such as licencing of software, internet and infrastructure costs, and accidental damage protection are incorporated into the College levies each term.

Students are expected to bring their College allocated laptop to school fully charged and ready to use each day (unless directed otherwise).  Students are welcome to use personally owned devices at home, however they are expected to use the College allocated device when at school.

2025 Term Dates


Term 1 29 Jan - 4 Apr 10
Term 2 22 Apr - 27 Jun 10
Term 3 14 Jul - 19 Sep 10
Term 4 7 Oct - 4 Dec 9