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The use of technology is balanced with the need to ensure our students understand the importance of maintaining their personal safety and visible presence online. We actively teach aspects of cyber safety at all levels of the College.

Whether using technology in the classroom, at work or at home our students are learning the importance of behaving ethically and responsibly. Our Acceptable Use of Computer and Internet Resources agreement outlines the College expectations regarding technology and highlights the repercussions for misuse of College technology.

The College is proud of our work in Cybersafety and Digital Citizenship programs which guide our students to form a positive online presence (digital footprint) which will assist them in achieving their educational, professional and personal goals.

Parents receive free access to four parent cybersafety courses through our Digital Learning Environment AndIE.  We actively encouraged parents to avail themselves of these interesting and up-to-date resources.

2024 Term Dates


Term 1 23 Jan - 28 Mar 10
Term 2 15 Apr - 21 Jun 10
Term 3 8 Jul - 13 Sep 10
Term 4 30 Sep - 5 Dec 10