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Student Leadership

St Andrew’s Catholic College has a very proud tradition of student leadership.

The model of formalised leadership within the college promotes peer resilience and empowerment. Students are selected  as leaders in a process which involves both staff and peers.

St Andrew’s Catholic College has student leaders at Year 5, Year 9 and Year 12. There are three captains elected for each sector. At the Senior Years level, positions of leadership in addition to the three College Captains include students that are elected as prefects who hold positions of responsibility in the areas of Mission, Academic, Sports and Cultural.  We also have House leaders and vice leaders from each sector for the four sporting houses being Chisholm, MacKillop, Hollows and Ozanam.

We have a proud tradition of leadership at the College. We focus on developing leadership skills and providing leadership opportunities to students across all year levels. To this end, St Andrew’s Catholic College is very proud of its ability to develop all aspects of a young person’s leadership abilities which equip our students to be leaders not only here at the College, but also in their lives after Graduation. Formalised training for our elected leaders occurs during the year, with further opportunities to attend other skills development courses also offered.

Our Catholic heritage and tradition informs our model of leadership and is a lived experience present in our day to day lives at St Andrew’s Catholic College. Particular emphasis is placed on the qualities of service and sacrifice within leadership as Jesus taught. We look to Jesus Christ and the founders of the College for inspiration as we work as leaders for the benefit of the entire community.

2025 Term Dates


Term 1 29 Jan - 4 Apr 10
Term 2 22 Apr - 27 Jun 10
Term 3 14 Jul - 19 Sep 10
Term 4 7 Oct - 4 Dec 9