Music Extra-Curricular
"If children are not introduced to music at an early age, I believe something fundamental is actually being taken from them."
Luciano Pavarotti
Music at St Andrew’s enjoys a high profile within the College and throughout the broader community. With state of the art facilities and boasting a select group of the finest instrumental teaching staff, we are proud of the growing musical tradition at our College.
From the more experienced Year 12 Music scholar to a beginner in Prep, and whatever the instrument, we aim to support, encourage and develop each student’s music-making.
Our hope is that when students leave the College, they will continue to pursue their music-making independently having gained sufficient skills while at the College to enable them to sing in choirs, play in bands or orchestras, or just to enjoy playing at home as a hobby. For some, further professional training will beckon, and we know that the rounded and high-level musical education provided at St Andrew’s will also prove an excellent foundation for a Music Degree or a Conservatorium course.