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AndIE Help

St Andrew’s Catholic College utilises a Digital Learning Environment to enhance learning and teaching, provide assistance in targeted communication and offering resources to our community.  The environment is called AndIE – St Andrew’s Innovation Environment.  It even has its own instantly recognisable and much loved avatar!

This unique environment is provided to the College by Schoolbox.  Schoolbox is a proudly Australian company that specialises in provision of these services to P12 schools. 

AndIE delivers our students the digital tools they need to participate in learning.  Parents use AndIE as a communications portal and to be active participants in their child’s life at the College.  AndIE has its own app and parents find it a beneficial source of information.  For more information about the app head to AndIE Help.

Your AndIE is designed exclusively for you and your family. This means that you will have access to all the information and resources that relate specifically to each of your children as well as everything that we need to share with our College community.

The Queensland Curriculum calls for 21st Century Skills and embeds them from Prep through to Year 12. It states that young Queenslanders in the 21st Century need to be: innovators, entrepreneurs, lifelong learners and responsible global citizens. To do this, students need the following skills: critical and creative thinking, communication, collaboration and teamwork, personal and social skills and ICT skills.

Recent research has shown that students working in Digital Learning Environments through their schooling years are better prepared to cope with the online learning demands associated with future workplaces, Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses as well as other tertiary studies such as University courses.  AndIE will help our students work effectively and efficiently in 21st Century ways while at the same time preparing them for life beyond St Andrew’s Catholic College.

Download the AndIE App from either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store

Apple App Store


Google Play Store

2025 Term Dates


Term 1 29 Jan - 4 Apr 10
Term 2 22 Apr - 27 Jun 10
Term 3 14 Jul - 19 Sep 10
Term 4 7 Oct - 4 Dec 9